Prayer - Digital Book
Everyone needs to learn how to develop a close and intimate relationship with God and that is precisely the goal of this book. Prayer is not on option but a commandment from God. Therefore, we must learn strategies that promote and help improve that relationship. Here, you will learn every detail on the different types of prayer and the Biblical principles that support them. Also, you will learn how to overcome the obstacles that keep you from developing, to the fullest, that relationship with our Heavenly Father.
1- Intimate Communion with God
2- The Purpose of Prayer
3- What is Prayer and Why Do We Need to Pray?
4- Biblical Principles for Effective Prayer
5- How to Develop a Life of Constant Prayer
6- Prayer Obstacles
7- How to Pray for One Hour Using Different Types of Prayer
8- Fasting and Prayer; a Lifestyle Choice
9- How to Pray for Our Unbelieving Family
10- How to Begin a Ministry of Prayer and Intercession in a Local Church